Green dentistry as an approach to environmentally friendly dental practices

Green dentistry: environmentally friendly dental care

Environmentally friendly dentistry, or green dentistry, is a high-tech approach to dentistry that focuses on reducing the environmental impact of a dental practice.

Working to deliver dental treatments and oral health care with practices, materials and technologies that promote the health of the environment and the planet.

Green dentistry not only meets the needs of patients in a sustainable, environmentally friendly and safe way, but also helps dental practices protect the health of the community and the planet.

In this article, we’ll look at the specifics of eco-friendly dental practices in patient care, administration, and set-up.

Environmentally friendly green dentistry and patient care

Environmentally friendly dental practices are used in patient care and are not only better for the environment, but also better for patients. Sustainable practices in patient care can include the following:

  • Using Digital Radiography – Digital radiography eliminates the need for traditional film X-rays and reduces the amount of harmful chemicals released into the environment from these traditional film X-rays. This option also benefits the patient by reducing exposure to radiation and provides the dentist with instant x-rays.
  • Metal-free fillings – Instead of using silver amalgam fillings, which were popular in the past, eco-friendly dental practices use metal-free restorations, such as z.B. Composite dental fillings. Not only are they safer and more environmentally friendly, but they also provide a more natural look for patients who are concerned about the aesthetics of their smile.
  • Reusable patient products – Traditionally, dentistry has used many different types of disposable items, such as.B. Disposable plastic suction cups, patient bibs, latex gloves, headrest covers and more. This creates a lot of waste. Many dental practices are taking the step to make their practices more environmentally friendly by focusing on reusable cups, cloth patient bibs, reusable metal suction needles and cloth headrest covers.
  • Safe removal of amalgam fillings – Mercury has been used in dental restorative materials for more than a century. Recent studies have examined the negative impact this can have on the environment and patients. Eco-friendly practices work with patients to remove those amalgam fillings, replace them with a safer alternative, and dispose of them safely so they don’t negatively impact the water supply.

Sustainable dentistry management practices

Sustainable dentistry also means opting for more environmentally friendly management practices, which may or may not be the case:

  • Going paperless – Going paperless is an important component of a sustainable dental practice. Eliminating paper forms, paper charts and other paper trails in the office has a big impact. This can include sending automated reminders to patients’ tablets, smartphones and computers, offering tablet check-ins and creating new patient cards. Studies show that cloud computing not only reduces carbon footprint, but can also save dental practices thousands of dollars when using digital cards and billing.
  • Recycled paper and more – Any paper used in an office can be recycled, but there are much greener practices than just recycled paper. Green dental practices also recycle printers, batteries, cell phones and other items to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Saving energy – Environmentally friendly dentistry means that employees save energy. This can include turning off appliances and lights when not in use, and setting computer screens to go dark instead of using screen savers. Water filters in the office also help employees save water by making it easier to refill reusable bottles instead of using disposable plastic ones.

Eco-friendly dentistry and the dental office

Environmentally friendly dentistry is even carried out throughout the dental practice, saving energy, reducing pollution and waste, and lowering the carbon footprint. Green dental practices can:

  • Use LED lights in the office, as they use significantly less energy than traditional lights.
  • Use environmentally friendly products and building materials when building or renovating.
  • Installing presence sensors for lights.
  • Install energy-efficient skylights and windows that, while using natural light, save energy for heating and
    Save cooling.
  • Use water-efficient toilets and faucets in the office to save water.
  • Use paints that do not contain volatile organic compounds to reduce toxins in the air.

Green dentistry – Choosing an environmentally friendly dentist

Eco-friendly dentists focus on making decisions about practice equipment and furnishings, products and supplies with the environment in mind.

They are working to reduce their environmental impact by using eco-friendly options for administrative activities as well.

In addition to outpatient preventive care and treatment, numerous specialist departments offer special therapies in the fields of dental surgery and orthodontics.

Dental aesthetics and tooth preservation are as important to specialists and their patients as prophylaxis, dentures and periodontics.

Other specialties include pediatric dentistry as well as senior dentistry.

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